1st Puc English 'Oru Manushyan' , One mark important question and answers 2021 | Question Bank Answers 2022

In this post you will get the one mark Important Question and answers of 1st puc English textbook Reflections , "Oru Manushyan" by "Vaikom Muhammad Basheer" .
        Notes Of Puc have also provided the one mark question and answers of 1st Puc , Important question and answers ,notes of 1s Puc ,Question bank answers of 1st Puc English ,notes of English,model question paper answers 2022 ,pdf of the question and answers,pdf of the question bank ,pdf of the notes, question bank Answers 2022, Oru manushyan question bank answers 2022, model question paper answers 2022 .
       We have choosen the questions from the question bank provided by the PUE board and from the textbook of the respected subject.

Notes Of Puc have also provided the one mark question and answers of 1st Puc , Important question and answers ,notes of 1s Puc ,Question bank answers of 1st Puc English ,notes of English,model question paper answers 2021 ,pdf of the question and answers,pdf of the question bank ,pdf of the notes, question bank Answers 2021, Oru manushyan question bank answers 2021, model question paper answers 2021 .

One Mark Important Question And Answers of 'Oru Manushyan' [2022]

1. How far was the big city from the narrator’s home-town?
Ans. Thousand Five hundread miles/1500 Miles from narrator’s home-town .

2. The people in the city were not known for the quality of _________. (Fill in the blank.)
Ans. Mercy .

3. The people of the city were ___________ .
a) Honest 
b) cruel
c) obedient
Ans. b) cruel .

4. By tradition, the people of the city were ___________.
a) soldiers 
b) beggars 
c) teachers 
Ans. a) soldiers .

Also Read : Model Question Paper Answers 2022 of 1st Puc English | One Mark Answers of 1st puc English 2022

5. Where would many people serve as watchmen in the big city? 
Ans. In banks, mills and large commercial establishments in big cities .

6. What was highly valued by the people of the city?
Ans. Money was highly valued by the people of the city .

7. What were the daily occurrences in the city?
Ans. Murder, robbery, pick-pocketing were the daily occurrences in the city .

8. How did the people earn money in the city? 
Ans. By tradition the people were professional soldiers, some of them earn by lenting out money on interest . Many others served as watchmen in banks, mills and large commercial establishments in big cities .

9. For money, people would do anything, even commit __________. (Fill in the blank.)
Ans. Murder .

10. Where did the narrator stay in the big city?
Ans. Narrator stayed in a very small ,dingy room on a dirty street in that big city .

11. What did the narrator do, to earn his living?
Ans. Narrator teaches English to some migrant labourers to earn his living .

12. Who was taught English by the narrator?
Ans. Migrant Labourers . 

13. When did the narrator teach English to migrant labourers? 
Ans. From nine-thirty till eleven in the night .

14. _____________was considered great education in the city.
a) Learning English 
b) Teaching English 
c) Learning to write an address in English
Ans. c) Learning to write an address in English .

15. People paid __________ to write an address in English at the post office.
a. eleven annas 
b. four annas 
c. fourteen rupees 
Ans. b. four annas  .

16. When did the narrator wake up every day? 
Ans. The narrator wake up every day at four in the evening .

17. Why did the narrator have food only in the evening?
Ans. To save the expense of drinking morning tea or eating the noon meal .

18. What was the narrator’s life’s savings? 
Ans. Fourteen rupees .

19. How much did the narrator have in his wallet? 
Ans. Fourteen rupees . 

20. What did the narrator eat in the restaurant? 
Ans. Narrator eated the full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry, he drank tea as well .

21. How much was the bill of the narrator in the restaurant?
Ans. Eleven annas / 11 annas .

22.In ‘Oru Manushyan’, the narrator put his hands into his pockets and found that his _______
a) wallet was not there 
b) wallet was there 
c) pocket was torn. 
Ans. a) wallet was not there  .

23. What was the threat of the owner of the restaurant to the narrator if the money was not paid?
Ans. The threat of the restaurant owner is that , if the bill was not paid he will gauge out the narrator's eyes .

24. The people in the restaurant looked like hungry ___________.
a) wolves 
b) tigers 
c) lions 
Ans. a) wolves  .

25. The narrator was not ready to take off his __________.
a) coat 
b) shirt 
c) trousers 
Ans.c) trousers .

26. Why was the narrator not ready to take off his trousers? 
Ans. Because he has nothing on underneath .

27. The man who came forward to pay the narrator’s bill was ___________.
a) a man with a red turban 
b) a man dressed in a suit 
c) a money lender 
Ans. a) a man with a red turban.

28. What did the narrator call the man who paid his bill?
Ans. The narrator call the man 'mercy' who paid his bill .

29. Who had picked the narrator’s wallet?
Ans The man with red turban and white trousers ./ The man who has paid the narrator's bill .

30. Where did the man with the red turban take the narrator?
Ans. To a deserted bridge .

31. How many wallets did the thief have in his pockets? 
Ans. Five wallets .

32. Who saved the narrator by paying his bill? 
Ans. The man with a red turban and white trousers.

33. Who had some vague notions about human beings ?
Ans. The narrator .

34. What does the world have ?
Ans. The world has more evil than good .

35. Who were there around the narrator in that big city?
Ans. Good men and theives .

36. Where was the big city situated ?
Ans. In the valley of a mountain .

37. How was the stranger , who had paid the narrator's bill ?
Ans. A fair-complexioned man, six foot tall ,with a red turban and white trousers .

38. How was the money in the wallet ,according to the narrator ?
Ans. The money was intact in the wallet .

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